Head coach

Magnús Ásbjörnsson, 6. dan
Magnús has trained Ju Jitsu since the year 1989, both in Iceland and abroad. He has been a teacher with the club since the year 2000, and took over as our head coach in 2011.
Other coaches

Guðmundur Arnar Guðmundsson ( 3. dan)
Guðmundur has practiced Ju Jitsu from the year 2001 and has trained both children and adults, beginners and advanced students. He achieved his first black belt in 2006.

Ívar Gunnarsson (1. dan)
Ívar has trained with the club from the year 2012, and started assisting with children's training in 2015. He achieved his black belt in 2018.

Gilles Tasse (1. dan)
Gilles hefur lagt stund á sjálfsvarnarlistir í yfir 25 ár. Hann er með brúnt belti í shotokan Karate, og var verðlaunahafi í þungavigtarflokki í Kumite árið 2004. Hann er sömuleiðis með brúnt belti í júdó frá árinu 2019.

Georg Ziegler (1.dan)
Georg has been with Ju Jitsufélag Reykjavíkur since the year 2013, and achieved his black belt in 2019.